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An Unconventional Guide On Umbilical Cord Banking!

Have you ever how new life starts when a baby comes from the mother's womb. Our world is full of mysteries. God's creation of a baby is also a mystery only. When a baby comes out from the mother's womb, a cord is attached between the fetus and the placenta. From this umbilical cord, only the oxygenated blood and the nutrients are transferred from the mother's placenta to the fetus. The umbilical cord has lots of advantages. So exactly what is umbilical cord banking? The umbilical cord banking is a type of collections of the umbilical cord for future use.

What are the facts of cord blood storage?

The followings are some of the facts of the umbilical cord banking, and they are:

  • There are lots of hospitals that collects and stores the umbilical cord. This is because the umbilical cord can treat over 80 diseases.

  • Due to the use of the umbilical cord, only there are immune disorders, and it is also used to treat the muscle and bone disease.

  • In umbilical cord HSC is present. Due to this, only bone marrow transplant takes place

  • Over a decade the umbilical cord is always used for child therapy and head injuries.

What are the diseases being cured by umbilical cord banking?

The followings are some of the diseases being cured by the umbilical cord banking, and they are:

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Stroke

  • Alzheimer

  • Parkinson diseases

  • Any kinds of neurological diseases

  • Heart attack

  • Treat the damage of any types of tissue.


The umbilical cord banking has lots of advantages. In other words, the umbilical cord is mainly used for the transportation of the nutrients and the blood from the placenta to the fetus. Apart from this, all umbilical cord is also used to cure lots of diseases which are very much deadly. So the doctors used to take this cord after noting it to the parents.

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