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Parents Bank Deserves Special Means in Saving their Baby’s Umbilical Cord Blood

Cord blood which is the short name for umbilical cord blood is actually the blood that stays behind in the umbilical cord after delivery. At term, there is a maternal-fetal cell transfer to enhance the immune systems of the mother as well as of the baby in preparation for labor.

This enables umbilical cord blood to be a “rich source of stem cells and other source of immune system” during the time of delivery.

Blood banking

Cord blood banking or umbilical cord blood banking is the process that collects the cord blood and extract and freeze its stem cells as well as erstwhile cells relating to the immune system cryogenically potentially manner concerning its beneficial use in the long run. As cord blood is closely related to the process of cord blood banking, it often serves the purpose of a “catch-all term” thus becoming useful concerning various stored cells.

Some parents are really astonished when they are acknowledged of the fact that the cord blood that is stored contains very little of what people actually demarcate what blood actually is. This is because of the fact that red blood cells or RBCs can be really harmful to the treatment relating to the cord blood.

Chiefly, one of the main goals of processing of cord blood is actually to diminish the RBC volume in any blood collection when it is related to cord. In a renowned country like Europe and in the other realms of the world as well, cord blood banking is more often labelled as stem cell banking.

This is because; banking of cord blood is designed more with a view to gather the stem cells that deserve special mention in the formation of blood. This process does not involve those blood cells that are genuine. These terms appears to be more appropriate.

Significance of Parents Bank

There was a period, probably prior to the 1990s when the umbilical cord as well as its bloods was considered nothing but a waste in medical terms. Today, Parents Bank serve significant means in saving umbilical cord blood of their baby because the stem cells that it holds are at present utilized or show promise in debilitating life-threatening disease treatment.

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